Compare the book and the movie of all the kings men - Essay Example
Movie had in it not only a strong and finest cast but a bit of philosophy, narration, great American prose and most excellent dialogues. Whenever a popular novel is converted into a movie, that too with a huge star cast the expectations of people with the movie rise and with that it is a popular phenomena that people compare novel and the movie. Where words and the feel of the novel attract readers, huge star cast with great dialogues attracts audience in the cinema. Where the novel “All the King’s men†is not a linear novel, reader can easily get confused at various points as the nature of the novel is anti-chronological. Time Travelling is an important factor in the novel and it often confuses the reader regarding realizing which time period they are in (New York Times,2006). The novel start with the setup in year 1936 where protagonist, Jack Burden remembering a road trip in the year 1933 to Mason city with Willie Stark, Tom Stark who is Willie’s son and Willie’s wife Lucy Stark.
Compare the book and the movie of all the kings men Essay
2020. 3. 18. 13:55