Basic Thinking About Religious Studies Q1. The Role of the Temple in Ancient Judaism A sanctuary is a structure set aside for profound and strict exercises for example penance, supplication or closely resembling destinations. The Jews allude to call their place of love as sanctuaries, shull or temples. It is a focal point of petition, study and lessons just as a social place. The sanctuary is and was a family unit of plea. The supplications offered in the place of worship were hallowed since they communication with God. It was likewise a residence of Torah and Halakha (enactment), offering of penances, and commitments. Offering of penances was a method of serving God and requesting absolution in one sins. The creature's that were yielded were unadulterated and without flaw, included goats sheep, bullocks rams, turtle birds or in any event, submitting fine flour (Melton, 2010, 279). The contributions of fine oil and wine were additionally endorsed. Enactment was likewise done. The Sanhedrin was situated inside the sanctuary.