Prescribed Text There is no prescribed text for this course. Course materials will be provided electronically via Cecil. Lecturers will provide additional reading lists for their particular sections of the course. Preparation Approximately 1 hour preparation is expected for every one hour of class time. You will be required to complete readings allocated in class, in preparation for the next class. However, students are encouraged to add time for background reading. This is particularly important for international students and students for whom English is not their first language. Course Assessment Course assessment is comprised of: Law Assignment (15%)Friday 23 August 2013 at 10AM Class Test (15%)Friday 30 August 2013 at 9AM (1 hour) Politics Essay (20%)Thursday 17 October at 10AM Examination (50%)3 hour examination scheduled for the end of semester 2 When submitting assignments and essays, please use the Planning cover sheets provided beside the assignment hand-in boxes on level 4.

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