Heaven Lost as an Epicâ â The Oxford English Dictionary characterizes universe as the world or universe as an arranged and agreeable framework, from the Greek, kosmos, alluding to an arranged as well as fancy thing. Despite the fact that Pythagoras is attributed with first utilizing this term to depict the Universe, likely since he is additionally the one most ordinarily refered to for thoughts of concordance and the Musica Mundana, universe is commonly a difference to disorder- the primary condition of the universe. In clarifying the religious philosophy and cosmology of Paradise Lost, Milton states, the sky and earth/Rose out of Chaos, portraying the move from the amorphous mass to the arranged entirety. (I:9-10) As much as this outlines the structure of the world, in any case, its finish appears to show up in the Spirit, as Milton has considered it-the free, thinking, incorporated Consciousness.
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