Law and Ethics of Consent from Children in Medicine - Essay Example
In law children are those under 18 years of age. When ever providing consent for medical treatment, according to the age of the child there is a variance of treatment. The Family Reform Act of 1969 provides that, â€the consent to treatment of a 16 or 17 year old is to be treated like the consent of an adultâ€( FRA 1969). Minors in some places are deemed incompetent and are not given the right to consent. In England, one can challenge the presumption of incompetence on the basis of proving that the minor is mature enough to understand the procedures and the outcome. However, whenever the minor is considered incompetent, the informed consent is required from the parents. This has no application to a refusal of medical treatment or to non-therapeutic procedures like organ or blood donation. For those children under 16 there is precedent in case law governing consent to treatment.
Law and Ethics of Consent from Children in Medicine Essay
2020. 3. 9. 13:15