Meta-Art, Exorcism, and Existentialism in The Masterpiece Jeffrey S. UzzelDr. Katarina GephardtEnglish 448029 November 2007Meta-Art, Exorcism, and Existentialism in The MasterpieceThe Masterpiece is maybe the most obtrusively personal work in Emile Zola's Rougon-Macquart arrangement. In the novel, Zola delineates the predicament of the enduring craftsman. He utilizes clear language to impersonate the masterful style of his characters, along these lines making the impression of meta-workmanship. In actuality, the novel is a vehicle of self-reflection. By following Claude's harsh disillusionments, interminable grabbing, and agonizing questions, Zola gives off an impression of being exorcizing his very own and imaginative devils (Zamparelli 155). Sandoz, then again, speaks to Zola's frustration and renunciation to the dreary truth of life. Zola, as Sandoz, approaches the blade de siecle with a solemn estimation of the human condition, depending on Naturalism and the virus light of science to endure the fear of existentialism (Zola 422).

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