In 1584, explorers Phillip Amanda and Arthur Barlowe were the first people to set eyes on Roanoke Island. It is explained to be characterized by thick marshlands and stands of live oaks teeming with wildlife. The explorers were sent there by Sir Walter Raleigh. HE was a poet soldier and a statesman. The trip was for one specific reason, to search for an ideal location for settlement.   The queen was very pleased about what was being done. She was so please that she granted Raleigh a patent for all the lands he could occupy. He called the new land Virginia in honor of the Virgin Queen.   Raleigh recruited 117 men and women for a permanent settlement. When the people had got there they discovered that the Roanoke Indians had killed 15 men. They were forced to stay. On August 18 1587 Eleanor Dare gave birth to a girl. She named her Virginia. She was the first child to be bore on the American soil.  The new land needed supplies in order to stay alive so John White left for Brittan. Little did he know that he would never see his family again.

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