Social Work Practice- Alcohol Misuse in Young People of Ages of 16-19 Years - Essay Example Psychological theories play a very important role in the social work practice on alcohol abuse among the young people. According to the Social Learning theory by Albert Bandura, people are not born with specific types of behavior (Monti, 2002; pp. 3-6). This is to mean that people learn behaviors from different contexts such as the environment in which the individuals live in. The theorist continues to indicate that the response patterns that individuals acquire are either acquire through direct experience or through observation of concepts they see in their environment (Monti, 2002; pp. 3-6). On the grounds of this theory, it is validated to indicate that the environment is the major source of learning and the main source of observable behavior. In the context of the young adults aged 16-19 years, the theory explains that they learn new behaviors through modeling. Additionally, Bandura argues that the social behaviors are learned through watching as well as performing the actions learned.

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