Unisa Masters by Research Bursary in South Africa, 2019 The University of South Africa is looking for candidates for its Masters by Experimental Research Bursary program. The bursary is accessible for both South African and non-South African candidates yet inclination will be given to South African candidates. The point of the bursary is to help understudies in improving their examination capacity. The bursary is granted in the fields offered by the college however inclination will be given to Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Mathematics.Advertisements ReviewAward Application Process Clearness of Information3.8 SummaryA brilliant possibility for South African and non-South African residents to concentrate in South Africa. Sending Client Review0 (0 votes) The University of South Africa is the biggest college on the African mainland and pulls in 33% of all advanced education understudies in South Africa. They offer universally certify capabilities and have world-class assets. Why at the University of South Africa?