The grieving process - Essay Exampledeterminants of grief differ according to various factors such as significance attributed to the loss, circumstances surrounding the loss, and utilization of support networks.The grieving process and stages features in Elisabeth Kubler-Ross book, On Death and Dying (1969). Although, the five stages can be regarded as universal, they do not necessarily follow a linear order. Sadness (feelings of pain and sorrow) is the prominent feeling experienced in grief triggered by feelings of emptiness or despair, although distracted by denial, anger, guilt, and fear, which trigger defense mechanisms (Shives, 2008).Shock is mainly an initial response to loss as the individual seeks emotional protection from the overwhelming loss. Most individuals rationalize the loss with numbed disbelief, in an effort to escape from reality (Webb, 2011). The denial and isolation plays out when individuals perceive it to be a mistake. Denial is predominantly a temporary defense followed by isolation.

Maintenance of public order is a core function of governance. The Indian Constitution, while according a pre-eminent position for the fundamental rights of citizens, recognizes the importance of public order, by providing for legislation imposing reasonable restrictions in the interest of public order. Under the Constitution of India, the Union and the federating units, that is, the States have well-defined areas of responsibility. ‘Public Order’ and ‘Police’ are essentially the responsibilities of State Governments. However, the Central Government assists them by providing Central Paramilitary Forces (CPMFs) as and when required.The Administrative Reforms Commission is looking at ‘Public Order’ with a view to suggest a framework to strengthen administrative machinery to maintain public order conducive to social harmony and economic development. And also to build capacity for conflict resolution.

SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement - Essay ExampleIn this regard, The Securities and Exchange Commission announced charges against three auditors who violated federal security laws. They failed to comply with the U.S. auditing standards in conducting their audits. Among the three audit failures and in their SEC enforcement efforts, the one on WOWJOINT Audits is the most shocking. Wowjoint is a company with its headquarters and operations in and around Beijing, China. Its ordinary shares, warrants, and units are registered with the commission pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Exchange act. The manner in which its audits are conducted makes it the most shocking given the series of the failures and the magnitude of the same. The facts around these audit starts by stating that there was no adequate planning and supervision of the audits as required by the PCAOB Standards. This means that in the first instance the Auditors did not possess adequate knowledge of the firm they were auditing as required by the standards.

Price-Elastic Products - Essay ExampleThe key is whether revenue is greater than costs. (Investopedia, 2003)I would select price elastic products mainly to increase market share and increase the sales of the product. As the price of a product rises, consumers will usually demand a lower quantity of that good, perhaps by consuming less, substituting other goods, and so on. Conversely, as the price of a good falls, consumers will usually demand a greater quantity of that good, by consuming more, dropping substitutes, and so forth.Consider the example of cell phone market. It is one of the best examples of price elastic products. We can see lots and lots of new cell phone models flooding the markets from different makers. There is no possibility of increasing the price of cell phone due to high competition. On the other hand, more advanced cell phone models with significantly advanced features come at a very low cost. In fact, the cost of the cell phones is a constant decreasing curve. A slight increase in the cell phone leads to a great decline in the market demand.

Understanding values - Assignment ExampleAn evidence of this is the fact that although people differ on their opinions on a subject, their understanding of what is right or wrong is mostly the same. For example, some people are in favor of legalization of drugs while others are against it, though people on both sides of the argument mutually think that drugs and their influence on the society should be reduced. Even the argument for the legalization of drugs is made with a view to suppressing the frustration and the development and functioning of illegal channels that happens when the drugs are illegalized.The in-born ability, conscience is the word used for which, is guided or influenced by a range of external influences, typically culture and religion. Of all such factors, religion is the most powerful factor that confirms or denies an idea that is considered righteous by our inherent conscience.

This assignment will discuss effective teaching and learning environments. According to Brophy (2004) there are twelve principles contributing to effective teaching; a supportive classroom environment, the opportunity to learn, curricular alignment, establishing learning orientations, coherent content, thoughtful discourse, practice and application activities, scaffolding students, strategy teaching, co-operative learning, goal orientated assessment and achievement expectations. All these principles contribute to the active involvement of the student and attaining effective learning environments. For this assignment we will focus on three of the main principles and discuss its effectiveness in my own learning and influences it will have on my own teaching. Supportive learning environmentTeachers modelling personal attributes such as approachability, friendliness, emotional maturity and sincerity towards individuals as well as learners create an environment of cohesiveness and support.

Macbeth's Guilt         Characters in the Shakespearean tragedy Macbeth scarcely feel guilt - with two exceptions: Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. In this essay let's consider their guilt-problem.   In his book, On the Design of Shakespearean Tragedy, H. S. Wilson comments regarding the guilt of the protagonist:   It is a subtler thing which constitutes the chief fascination that the play exercises upon us - this fear Macbeth feels, a fear not fully defined, for him or for us, a terrible anxiety that is a sense of guilt without becoming (recognizably, at least) a sense of sin. It is not a sense of sin because he refuses to recognize such a category; and, in his stubbornness, his savage defiance, it drives him on to more and more terrible acts.

Revised Analytical about Poetry - Essay ExampleThe study develops an understanding of the poetic approaches emphasized upon by a professor and his student in literature that are from different races.The poem theme for English B implicitly resembles an answer, written in the form of a stream-of-consciousness to the indirect question, what we can call true. The main theme of the poem and specifically in this context is the quest to look for answers in the issue of discrimination of people through color, race, and self-identification (Scott, 2006). The poem also analyzes the means and ways of dealing with this through the theme of English B analysis based on the instructor and his student’s work (Sherry & Schouten, 2006). The theme for English B analysis poem starts with a question from the student, twenty-two year old who is the only colored in his class and wonders if it would be that simple to write a page out of him that could be considered true.

  In 1584, explorers Phillip Amanda and Arthur Barlowe were the first people to set eyes on Roanoke Island. It is explained to be characterized by thick marshlands and stands of live oaks teeming with wildlife. The explorers were sent there by Sir Walter Raleigh. HE was a poet soldier and a statesman. The trip was for one specific reason, to search for an ideal location for settlement.   The queen was very pleased about what was being done. She was so please that she granted Raleigh a patent for all the lands he could occupy. He called the new land Virginia in honor of the Virgin Queen.   Raleigh recruited 117 men and women for a permanent settlement. When the people had got there they discovered that the Roanoke Indians had killed 15 men. They were forced to stay. On August 18 1587 Eleanor Dare gave birth to a girl. She named her Virginia. She was the first child to be bore on the American soil.  The new land needed supplies in order to stay alive so John White left for Brittan. Little did he know that he would never see his family again.

The black sox scandal of 1919IntroductionDuring the First World War, gambling was rampant in the United States and fixing games was either assumed as harmless or tolerated. The worse was to come during the post-war period. With the closure of horse tracks, the bettors and all their accomplices shifted to their local baseball pitches where they practiced the dirty game. They cunningly spread rumors of fixes and/or injuries in a bid to move the odds in one way or the other (Zumsteg 182). The underworld operations between gamblers and other dubious characters with teams, players and funs facilitated the fix of a 1919 World Series Championship. Little known Cincinnati Red Stockings emerged victorious over the indomitable Chicago White Sox because the latter threw the game for the want of money. This paper looks at the background of the scandal, how stinginess the Black Sox boss led his players to party with gamblers. The figures behind the scum area also mentioned together with the role they played to make it a success.

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